Browse our news/blog articles relating to plumbing and gas services – full of safety tips, industry news, interesting jobs and latest innovations.
Drainage Problems To Watch Out For (Inside and Out)
Drainage issues are one of the most common problems faced in Australian homes. They can occur both inside the home and outside the house somewhere in the yard. Drains can block, get cr [...]
All About Solar Hot Water Systems
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at solar hot water systems, how they work, their distinct advantages and more. It seems like the cost of electricity rises every year in Austr [...]
Ways To Conserve Water At Home, All Year Round
We are all aware that water in Australia is a precious resource. In a country that often experiences long periods of drought, it’s vital that we all do our part and find ways to save w [...]
Tips To Make Sure Your Gas Heater Is Ready For Winter
Gas heating is an energy-efficient way to keep your home toasty warm and comfortable during the long, cold winter months. Gas costs way less than electricity and it’s the smart way to [...]
Plumbing Checklist When Buying A Home
When you plan to purchase a new home, there are certain things you’ll want to check first before committing to such a major purchase. Apart from looking for obvious damage or neglect, [...]
Guide To Blocked Drains: Causes, Remedies and Prevention
Blocked drains are one of the most common plumbing problems in any home. There are numerous reasons why a drain can get blocked, things you can do to prevent blocked drains, which drai [...]
What Are The Real Dangers Of A Gas Leak?
In Australia, more and more people are opting to install gas-operated appliances in their homes. These include ovens, stoves, hot water systems, heaters and more. While both gas and el [...]
The Most Common Plumbing Problems You Come Across
Every Australian household or business will eventually encounter some plumbing problems. It’s inevitable. Things age and wear out, some materials used might have been second rate and s [...]
Quick Tip – How To Unblock A Blocked Drain
How to Unblock a Blocked Drain Blocked or slow drains are one of the most common plumbing problems in any household. Whether the drain is located in the kitchen, bathroom or laundry, a [...]
What Does a Gasfitter Do?
In this post, you’ll discover some key reasons why you should choose gas, what a gasfitter is and what does a gasfitter do? Gasfitting is a term that’s becoming more and more synonymou [...]
Check Out What Happens If You Neglect Your Hot Water Unit
Most of us as homeowners try to maintain our homes to the best of our abilities. On some occasions however things like the hot water system, are “out of sight so out of mind” until th [...]
Monthly Matters – Flexi Hoses
What are they? Flexi hoses – otherwise called Flexible Water Hoses – are typically used in modern installations within kitchens, bathrooms and laundries to replace copper pipes. It is [...]
Get Your Backflow Devices Tested!
Don't Leave Your Health Up To Chance! Backflow Devices are fitted on the water supply system to prevent any reverse flow of contaminated water entering your drinking supply. Testable [...]
No Job Too Big or Too Small!
Here is a completed water main by-pass supplying ten units in Marcoola. With Minimal loss of water to tenants, Refined Plumbing was able to plan and excrete the full cut and removal o [...]
Choose Refined Plumbing Sunshine Coast
for your Water Efficiency Certificate QLD
Our team at Refined Plumbing have the expertise and tools to assist with your certification, ensuring your property complies with all relevant regulations.
Contact Refined Plumbing Sunshine Coast for all your plumbing requirements.
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